Lomi Blend Lawn & Garden
Lomi Blend Lawn & Garden enhances your Lomi Earth with a nutrient boost, featuring an N-P-K ratio of 3.5-7-7. It adds essential macro and micronutrients—nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)—while balancing pH levels, making it perfect for healthier lawns and gardens. This blend ensures your Lomi Earth is nutrient-rich and ready to support vibrant plant growth.
LomiPods are small but powerful tablets filled with helpful microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. These microbes accelerate the transformation of food scraps into pre-compost, breaking down organic matter and releasing key nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulphur. LomiPods also help reduce odours and enhance the overall quality of your Lomi Earth, making it even more beneficial for your plants.
How They Work Together
Lomi Blend boosts the nutrient profile and pH balance of your Lomi Earth, while LomiPods activate helpful microbes to ensure efficient breakdown and nutrient release. Together, they create high-quality Lomi Earth that’s perfect for thriving plants and gardens.