If your pet has decided to have Lomi earth as a snack, don't worry!
Lomi earth is a bit high in calories due to the nutrient density and sometimes high in sugar (depending on what was added) but is non-harmful to animals, although Lomi Earth is not intended for human or animal consumption.
To lower the chance of your pets getting in to your Lomi earth, ensure that you are storing your Lomi earth either in the Lomi with the lid on, or in another container with the lid on and out of reach.
If you're mixing your Lomi earth in to your soil, be sure to mix it in really well so as to deter your pets from getting in to your garden.
While Lomi earth is non-harmful when ingested, please remember that Lomi Pods are not for human or animal consumption. Please keep them out of reach of children and pets, and avoid contact with eyes.